Book ReviewBook review of ‘Certificate Physical and Human Geography by Goh Cheng Leong’
Certificate Physical and Human Geography by Goh Cheng Leong'

Book review of ‘Certificate Physical and Human Geography by Goh Cheng Leong’

Published by Oxford University Press (OUP), “Certificate Physical and Human Geography” by Goh Cheng Leong is one of the best selling book for anyone interested in studying geography. The book covers a wide range of topics related to physical and human geography, including climate, topography, agriculture, population, and other related topics. It is particularly helpful for students preparing for competitive exams like UPSC and other state-level exams.

The book is divided into two parts, Physical Geography, and Weather, Climate and Vegetation. Physical Geography covers the various landforms and coastal regions. The second part covers climate and weather related concepts. Physical Geography begins by examining The Earth and its place in the Universe. It then goes on to explore the Earth s Crust. Then the book looks at the effects that various natural forces have on the Earth s surface. The book covers natural phenomena like Volcanoes and Earthquakes. It discusses the Weathering Process, Mass Movement, and Groundwater. It proceeds on to cover different landforms and the forces that shaped them. It looks at Desert Landforms, Landforms Made By Running Water, Limestone and Chalk Landforms, and Landforms of Glaciation. It also examines Coastal Landforms, The Oceans, Lakes, Islands and Coral Reefs. The Weather, Climate and Vegetation section covers the concepts of Climate and Weather. It then focuses on different weather conditions and climate zones. It discusses the Hot, Wet Equatorial Climate. It also covers the Tropical Monsoon and Tropical Marine Climates. It looks at desert regions like the Hot Desert and Mid-Latitude Desert Climates. It also focuses on The Savanna or Sudan Climate, The Temperate Continental (Steppe) Climate, and The Mediterranean or Warm Temperate Western Margin Climate. Certificate Physical And Human Geography then covers cool climate zones. It discusses the Siberian or Cool Temperate Continental Climate, The Chinese type of climate or Warm Temperate Eastern Margin Climate. The book then focuses on the Laurentian or The Cool Temperate Eastern Margin Climate, the British or Cool Temperate Western Margin Climate and The Arctic or Polar Climate. This book covers the physical topography of the planet, the landforms and the oceans, rivers and lakes. This comprehensive coverage helps the readers understand the dynamic nature of the planet, and the forces that shape it. It also discusses the vastly different climate conditions that prevail in different geographical parts of the planet. The author has used a simple and lucid language making it easy for students to understand complex concepts.

Numerous maps, diagrams, and illustrations to explain geographical concepts is one of the key features of this best seller.

The book’s only limitation is that it is primarily geared towards students preparing for competitive exams. While it is still an excellent resource for anyone interested in geography, those looking for a more in-depth exploration of specific topics may need to look other sources.

In conclusion, it is an excellent book for anyone interested in studying geography, particularly those preparing for competitive exams. The book is well-written, easy to understand, and filled with helpful visuals and practice questions. It is highly recommended for students and geography enthusiasts alike.

We recommend to have this book in this subject area and purchase ORIGINAL product only from authentic platforms.

Title: Certificate Physical And Human Geography
Author: Goh Cheng Leong
Publishers: Oxford University Press
ISBN: 9780195628166
MRP: INR 335*

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